About Sarah

207469_1921204919664_1868927_n       Sarah Dettmer is an army brat and finds the question “where are you from?” a little tricky to answer. Though she has lived in Seattle, San Antonio, Denver, and Lexington, to name a few, she likes to say she is from Heidelberg, Germany because that just sounds the coolest. She is currently an undergraduate student at the University of Missouri studying Journalism and English with a minor in Psychology.

Sarah has an internship with The Missouri Review, as well as with VOX Magazine. When she is not finding a quiet corner to cry in after a rough day of reporting, Sarah is reading her eyes out at The Missouri Review, a literary magazine, where she sifts through the slush-pile and rejects the masses. She spends her free time licking postage stamps in an effort to send out her own work and collect enough rejection slips to wallpaper a room. While her specific dreams for the future change on an hourly basis, she hopes to make a name for herself through her writing.

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